In Passione positus Iesus (Francisco Guerrero)

In Passione positus Iesus • from De Passione D.N. Iesu Christi • Music by Francisco Guerrero • Performed by The Gesualdo Six, directed by Owain Park LENT SESSIONS The Gesualdo Six present a series of short recitals for the season of Lent, featuring motets, hymns and plainchant recorded at St Bartholomew the Great in London. Ticket holders will be able to watch each recital on demand from the date of broadcast until 14 April 2021. - - - In Passione positus Iesus – sacred motet for Passiontide In passione positus Jesus, cum pro nobis oblatus est, tremens ait: tristis est anima mea usque ad mortem vigilate mecum. Et factus est in agonia orabat dicens: Pater mi, si possibile est, transeat a me calix iste et clamans in cruce dicens: Deus, Deus meus ut quid dereliquisti me in manus tuas Domine commendo Spiritum meum consummatum est. In his Passion, Jesus,
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