’Ukraine is not anymore sovereign state’, says Hungary’s Orban

(17 Apr 2024) RESTRICTION SUMMARY: ASSOCIATED PRESS Belgium - 17 April 2024 AUDIO AS INCOMING 1. Various of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban arriving at conference 2. Various of Orban walking on stage, preparing to speak 3. SOUNDBITE (English) Viktor Orban, Hungarian Prime Minister: “The sense of this European election is - change the leadership. What is election for? The sense of election is that if the leadership proves to be bad, must be replaced. That is so simple. And this leadership of European Union is simply bad. It has failed. So it’s not just a political statement, it is very much factual.” 4. Orban on stage 5. SOUNDBITE (English) Viktor Orban, Hungarian Prime Minister: “I think that nations have the right to decide about their own future. So if somebody would like to make an attempt to create a mixed society, Christian-based with Muslim community, and as liberal thing that the outcome will be something good - let’s do it, it is y
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