[KING’s RAID : NEW HERO] Insatiable Blade, Kibera

Insatiable Blade, Kibera The legendary sword mage with a smiley face. He has an obsession that he must own any demonic sword or any powerful sword he comes across. With his 3 favorite demonic swords, he slices up his enemies with flair. Once he spots a demonic sword of his style, he tries everything he can to get the sword, whatever it takes. His lunatic obsession towards the swords is the reason that people try to avoid him. “...seems like there was no specific reason for it.“ The officer with black hair in an officer uniform muttered, sitting on his suitcase that was big enough to carry a person. - Hero: Kibera - Class : Assassin -Attack Type : Magic “I mean, there was a legit sword there... I accomplished the mission anyways!.. Haha.“ The officer stood up and picked up his suitcase while the red-haired young man was smiling and scratching his head like there was no choice. #NewHero #KingsRaid #Kibera
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