Even the mainstream media doesn’t understand why they had no one on the roof just 150 yards away from President Trump. A former

Even the mainstream media doesn’t understand why they had no one on the roof just 150 yards away from President Trump. A former Secret Service agent told them that if there was no coverage on that roof that it will be an issue in the investigation. They even ask her about the people telling local law enforcement that there was someone on the roof and that somehow there was no communication between the cops and secret service? “Would you have had perhaps a local official…secure that roof to make sure the roof is clear make sure nobody’s in the building and then sand guard there? Yes but they should have They I would I would presume you should have a local police presence in that area Now could you have put somebody on that rooftop... That’s gonna be an issue Why was it why weren’t those adjacent buildings look like looked at They are very close Yes And if there was somebody station there from local law enforcement outside the building where the shooter was. As you consider the possibili... Source: ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter ?
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