Can Israel Remain A Member Of The UN? | Anybody Remember The Ukraine War?

On this Moats, George Galloway gives his thoughts on the response of the worlds leaders applauding Israel after they’ve dropped 12k tons of bombs on Gaza in 17 days, the same amount of tonnage that was dropped on Hiroshima. Can Israel Remain A Member Of The UN? Remember the Ukraine War? No one’s talking about the other war, the war that everyone was talking about just three short weeks ago. George is joined by Johnny Miller, Richard Medhurst and Chris Hedges to discuss what the future holds for Gaza, The Ukrainian people and the tent cities across America as President Biden sends money to anyone but the American People. British Journalist based in Moscow and Donbass, Johnny Miller: Twitter: Syrian-British Independent Journalist, Richard Medhurst: Youtube: @RichardMedhurstTwitter: Chris Hedges: Journalist, Writer and Political Commentator: Twitter:
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