Tribal Fusion Belly Dance promo video for Lena Gukina. Moonlight Tribe school

Good day everyone 🙏🏻✨ In August, the start of my author’s dance video course for beginners in English. Feedback course. The video course lasts 5-6 weeks, each lesson contains 10-15 short instructional videos with a detailed explanation of the technique of movements and choreography. Once a week, you will submit your results for verification, and I will support and guide you. The course is suitable for dancers who have never danced before. What is convenient for you is that you can practice anytime, anywhere. Gradually, you will master the Tribal Fusion base, learn to move flexibly, develop grace and beauty in movements. The course costs $ 70, with the repost of this entry in the story, a discount on the course, with a discount, the cost of the course is $ 60
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