Canada legalised weed in 2018 - should Britain do it?

Canada’s legalised it, so three British MPs go on a weed trip to see if the UK could do the same. Being the first major Western country to go fully legal, Newsbeat ask - has it worked? Labour’s David Lammy thinks the UK criminalises too many young black men because of cannabis laws, and wants to decide whether it should be legalised here. Norman Lamb already wants legalisation - his Liberal Democrat party has made it official policy. Conservative Jonathan Djanogly knows many of his young constituents use cannabis regularly, but he’s going to Canada with an open mind on what to do about it. The UK’s allowed limited use of cannabis-based medicines - and history shows that’s often the first step to much wider legalisation - including for recreational use. But change rarely goes as planned... which maybe explains why around half of the weed in Canada is still bought illegally! Subscribe to our channel: Much more at
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