Concept/music cut/choreography/trainer/: Ton Greten
Music by C2C - Happy (feat. Derek Martin)
We dance together with different ages. Dancing makes you happy, keeps you young and it connect people. Therefore we all have different colors and the table is decorated with different flowers🌷🌸🌼🌻🌺
. (Movement Of Variated Entertainment)
The dancers from our Dance school in Kerkrade the Netherlands.
1. Dheva -Martha 8 years
2. Indy vromen 12 years
3. Jolien Schuurman 12 years
4. Shanize Jantje 13 years
5. Youssra Bazouz 20 years
6. Svenja Augustus 20 years
7. Shurick Jantje 20 years
#TonGreten #gemmethod #showdance
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5 months ago 01:20:23 1
TAPETE LEGO - Tapete em crochê C2C com sobras de fio