Dawning Of Aquarius

PROPHESIZED DATE 21-12-2020: Dawning Of Aquarius 1948 by Aunty Millie Mace: Jain’s Super-Aquarian Date 4-2-1962. Astrologers and some Astronomers are excited for a rare planetary event where the two stellar bodies of Saturn and Jupiter, will conjunct and appear as one body of Light. This will happen at 0 degrees Aquarius, in a few days time on the 21st December, 2020. Normally the Saturn/Jupiter alignment happens every 20 years, but in this case, the occulting, meaning the 2 become 1 from our eyesight, has not happened since the C12th medieval times, so it is being hailed as a special event. In the Southern Hemisphere, this is our Summer Solstice, the day with most Light throughout the whole year, worthy of celebration, though in the Northern Hemisphere, this is their Winter Solstice, the day with the least amount of Light. The Solstice peaks at 9:00pm and precedes another prophesized event at pm, when Saturn and Jupiter align precisely, foretold by our Original People, represented by Aunt Mil
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