How do self-driving cars “see”? - Sajan Saini

Take a look at the LIDAR and integrated photonics technologies that help self-driving cars navigate obstacles, no matter the environment, weather or light. -- It’s late, pitch dark and a self-driving car winds down a narrow country road. Suddenly, three hazards appear at the same time. With no human at the wheel, the car uses smart eyes, sensors that’ll resolve these details all in a split-second. How is this possible? Sajan Saini explains how LIDAR and integrated photonics technology make self-driving cars a reality. Lesson by Sajan Saini, directed by Artrake Studio. Learn more about integrated photonics: Learn how integrated photonic chips are made: Sign up for our newsletter: Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Facebook: Find us on Twitter: Peep us on Instagram: View full lesson:
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