▶️‘They [psychiatrists] failed with conventional medicine, such as Diazepam and regarded all this as mass hysteria,’ Nicaraguan

▶️‘They [psychiatrists] failed with conventional medicine, such as Diazepam and regarded all this as mass hysteria,’ Nicaraguan healer Florencia Levi explains how difficult it is to treat girls with a mysterious mental disorder. In the northwest young girls were suddenly afflicted by “crazy sickness” or “Grisi siknis” in the local dialect. They suffer from seizures: the girls become enraged, bend their bodies, scream, try to mutilate themselves and show superhuman strength in fighting off anyone who tries to hold them down. Watch our documentary ’Grisi Siknis’ to learn more about mysterious mental health phenomena. #health FOLLOW News&Docfilms Channel Источник: RT DOC | New Documentaries
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