Growing up in the early 1900s - Meals

What was life like for ordinary working-class children living in the suburbs or on the fringes of Australian cities in the early 1900s? How different or similar was their day to yours? Step into the shoes of the Youngein children, Jim and Dolly, from Susannah Place, Sydney and find out how they lived. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Do you know what you’ll have for dinner? Very likely what you’ll have for dinner tonight will be different from what you had for dinner last week. This is because nowadays most families shop at big supermarkets with a huge array of choices. What would it have been like before supermarkets and efficient transport systems, which bring food from halfway across the world to our shops? What sort of food would you have had access to, and where would you have got it from? Produced by Sydney Living Museums & ABC Education (c) 2018
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