Strong Entries Through Weapons Training - Silat Suffian Bela Diri #Tekpi #Kuntau

= Silat Suffian Worldwide A memorable visit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia between the 1st and 5th December 2023. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to Daniel Khoo and HT for organising the event and being a great host to everyone, making sure that all participating feeling welcomed and part of the family. A BIG Thank you to Guro Brendan Mehdi Lanza for hosting and always giving us an event slot at Qosmo International School. Thank you Alexander Berezikov from Russia and Cris Sadasin flying in from Hanoi, assisting me in my demonatrationa and instructions. Thank you to all that came to support the event, without your suppory this would not happen. DISCLAIMER THE MARTIAL ARTS / SELF DEFENCE METHODS FEATURED IN THIS VIDEO PRESENTATION MAY CAUSE SERIOUS HARM OR DEATH IF USED IRRESPONSIBLY. THIS VIDEO PRESENTATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AS A SELF DEFENCE INSTRUCTION OR ADVICE. THIS VIDEO PRESENTATION IS FOR TOURISM, CULTURAL
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