In this video, with the help of animation, we’ll look at how the F-35 [B]’s Short take off and vertical landing [STOVL] and Vertical take off and landing [VTOL] engine works. We’ll look at the F-35 [B]’s Three bearing swivel nozzle, Rolls Royce Lift System, weapons systems like EOTS and EODAS, landing gears and other systems in detail.
Special Thanks to :-
Christophe Pochari (Pochari Technologies) :-
Christophe Pochari :-
For this beautiful 3D model.
Music used :-
Music provided by “Vivek Abhishek“
Music used :
“Trailer Music“ originally composed and produced by “Vivek Abhishek“
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“Legionnaire“ By Scott Buckley:-
“Titan“ By Scott Buckley:-
Scott Buckley :-
Chase by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
“Eyes of Glory“ By Aakash Gandhi.
“Silhouette of War - Dramatic Epic Music“ By :- Keys of Moon Music
Keys of Moon Music:-
Music from @Argsound Background Music
Name of track: “Dangerous Roads“
Video Credits:-
U.S Military Cache:-
AirF Force :-
Defense Now :-
Military Archive :-
World Army Club:-
UK Defence Journal :-
Timestamps [Chapters]:-
00:00 - Intro.
01:00 - F - 35 Variants.
01:30 - F - 35 [B] Specifications.
02:40 - F - 35 [B] Helmet and EODAS.
03:37 - Electro Optical Targeting System [EOTS].
04:19 - F - 35 [B] Cockpit and Ejection System.
05:18 - F - 35 [B] Engine and Inlet.
06:56 - F - 35 [B] Lift System.
08:06 - F - 35 [B] 3 Bearing Swivel Nozzle Mechanism.
09:55 - How F - 35 [B] VTOL engine works.
12:03 - F - 35 [B] Pitching, Yawing and Rolling while hovering.
14:10 - F - 35 [B] Landing Gear Mechanism.
15:40 - F - 35 [B] Missiles / Weapons.
#howf35works #howf35vtolworks #howf35engineworks #f35nozzlemechanism #f35b #howf35bvtolworks #howf35bworks #f35nozzle #f35explained #f35vtolexplained #f35engineexplained #f35working #f35engine #f35stovl #f35swivelnozzle #f35b #f35liftsystem #rollsroyceliftsystem #f35animation #animation #animations #3d #3danimation #sygdesignworks #sygdocumentary #syg #documentaryShow more