Comic dub of the following Metal Gear Solid fancomic!:
Kamran Nikhad as Big Boss “Ahab“
Edwyn Tiong as Big Boss “Ishmael“
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - V Has Come To
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Here’s to You
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Quiet’s Theme
Sound effects:
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
Been meaning to try my hand at this one for a long time, and finally decided to do it after sitting on it for so long!
The Metal Gear series holds a special place in my heart. It’s an utterly ridiculous military fantasy, yet at the same time a thoug
...htful meditation on the endless cycle of violence. A plot with a timeline so nonsensical you’d need a cartographer to chart it, but with storied moments so brilliant you’d weather the most inane plot twist just to see what happens next. A series with overblown dramatics and macho men chewing the scenery with shouts of “BROTHEEEEEEEEEEEEEER~“, but also with quietly beautiful moments, “This is good... isn’t it?“.
It constantly breaks the fourth wall, and yet maintains a level of integrity in spite (or because?) of that. It has a silly bikini booby lady sniper, but also has some of the best and well-written women characters in gaming history. The Metal Gear saga is a juvenile, mad, balls-to-the-walls crazy thing; yet also a completely sincere and articulate piece of art. I will miss it greatly. And I look forward to your m!preg Norman Reedus project, Kojima!Show more