Punch-Out!! (Arcade) Playthrough - NintendoComplete

A playthrough of Nintendo’s 1984 boxing arcade game, Punch-Out!! Played through on the default difficulty setting. Well before it ever made its appearance on home systems, Punch-Out!! had two arcade exclusive titles - Punch-Out!! and Super Punch-Out!! Some fun random trivia about it: it was the first game that Koji Kondo (you know, the guy that wrote the music for Mario and Zelda?) ever wrote music for, and the characters were all designed by Shigeru Miyamoto himself. And you may have noticed the the referee is not Mario, but Mario is still present. You’ll see him if you search the crowd carefully enough, as well as Donkey Kong and DK Jr. So Punch-Out!! was an amazing achievement when the Japanese version first launched in 1983. It featured speech synthesis for the ring introductions and move announcements, sprite-scaling so that your opponents could move both toward and away from the “camera,“ and a dual-monitor display so that the HUD didn’t obscure any of the action. For 1983, that was all pretty a
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