Yellow Dock Medicine (Rumex crispus)

Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) is another one of those amazing weeds that grow everywhere! It’s likely something you’ve seen before in your garden, on the roadside, or in a city park. This makes Yellow Dock a Classic People Plant! That shows up wherever we start disturbing soil, planting grass or tilling the earth. It grows in these places as a way of breaking up stagnation, combating inflammation, and cleansing the land. Which is part of why it helps with these types of issues in our body as well. Used for well over 2000 years, there is a rich history in helping people and annoying gardeners where ever it grows. Join me in another full-length Herbal Jedi video where we dive deep into working with Yellow Dock Medicine. - ID - History - Benefits - Harvesting - Medicine Making and Usage
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