Robyn ’Indestructible’ (Official Video)

In­de­struc­tible’, by Robyn tak­en from the al­bum ’Body Talk’ out Novem­ber 2010! More in­fo on the al­bum here: #/discog­ra­phy/65 and ’In­de­struc­tible’ here: #/discog­ra­phy/64 Robyn is set to play a very spe­cial MyS­pace Se­cret Show on Wed 3 Nov in Lon­don. You can en­ter to win tick­ets to be there here: Fol­low­ing the Se­cret Show she will be start­ing the ’Body Talk Tour’ across North Amer­i­ca! Dates and tick­ets here Di­rec­tors: Nils Ljung­gren Max Vi­tali Tube cos­tume by: Lucy McRae Pro­duc­er: Sofia Bjork­man Ed­i­tor: Rick Waller Nils Ljung­gren Max Vi­tali DoP: Crille Fors­berg Pro­duc­tion De­sign: Madeleine Nor­ling Make Up: Lin­da Öhrström Stylist: Nao­mi Itkes
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