Drakwald - Despair of the Last Men

Текст с Bandcamp’a: “You! Come here and listen to the tale of the last men on Earth Approach and see the lament of a decadent age’s remains You! Look the future you building full of despair and fear Do you really want to see your child with only ashes to live? You! Man full of meanness regain control of your life It is high time to start thinking the world you will settle You! Look at your reflect into the mirror of life Do you really want to see a man with no conviction? We thought the Earth was eternal, we were not thinking of tomorrow Here is the tale of a man who live the fall, we were all blind outdid by our own wealth We burned the Earth like a woodpile Ignoring any common sense, making money more important than life But one day the sky became black The air ignited and the Earth fell over I cry ! I fall in despair... This is not the life I want to live You ! Came here and listen the tale of the last men on Earth Approach and see the lament of a decadent ages remains You! Look the future you building full of despair and fear Do you really want to see your child with only ashes to live? You! Man full of meanness regain control of your life It is high time to start thinking the world you will settle You! Look at your reflect into the mirror of life Do you really want to see a man with no conviction? We thought the Earth was eternal, we were not thinking of tomorrow Here is the tale of a man who live the fall, we were all blind outdid by our own wealth I cry! I fall in despair... This is not the life I want to live“
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