Visit the Choose Love shop, you never know who you might find at the check out…

The Choose Love Shop is back! Visit online at or in-store in London or New York. You never know who you might find at the check out… London Store: 15-17 Foubert’s Pl, Carnaby, London W1F 7QB, NYC Store: 204 Front Street, The Seaport NY NY 10038 With thanks to our excellent cast: Hassan Akkad, Nish Kumar, Benedict Cumberbatch, Deborah Frances-White, Vick Hope, Aiysha Hart, Dawn O’Porter, Nicola Coughlan. And our customers, Waad, Hamza, Sama and Taima Al Kateab and Cherno Jagne. Created and written: Hassan Akkad & Heydon Prowse Directed: Heydon Prowse Produced: Choose Love & Flying Shoe Films Special thanks to: Noel Fielding DOP and Edit: Toby Lloyd PM: Ella Ritchie Sound Recordist: Kathryn MacCorgarry- Gray AC: Joshua Baylis AC: Gulistan Korkmaz Gaffer: Jakub Paczos Spark: Gabriele Mango #christmas #christmasshopping #refugees #aiyshahart #benedictcumberbatch #dawnoporter #deborahfranceswhite #hassanakkad #nicolacoughlan #nishkuma #oliviacolman #vickhope
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