If It Can Be Destroyed By The Truth, It Should Be! Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 17th September 2023. Part 2. Today, we live in an age of increasing madness where just about any stupidity can be called truth... and people believe them. Lack of integrity and tested truth are obvious to many, but how many dare challenge such foolishness? God already warned the West (the descendants of Abraham) that these troubles were coming. Scriptural References: Isa 3:12, Pro 29:12, Gen 3:4-5, 2Cor 11:13-15, Mat 15:8-9, Mat 23:13-15, Isa 44:14-17, 1Cor 2:4-5, 1cor1:18-19. Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 10th September 2023. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at: A MP3 audio is also available at: If you would like to know more, please visit our website at:
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