Easting motor rally (1921)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Motorcycle and auto racing at Stratford-on-Avon Full Description: ENGLAND: Stratford-on-Avon: Warwickshire: EXT GV shots motorcycle with mate in sidecar performing cornering exercises, three of the motorcyclists appear to be men with women in side cars, one in a woman with man in sidecar. Spectators look on. drive, driver, ride, race, racing, contest, motorsports SV crowd of spectators. crowds, fans, throng, drive, driver, ride, race, racing, contest, motorsports GV shots motorcyclists drive round corner - one going round with his feet on the saddle then the motorcyclists drive along the ground at the slowest speed possible. drive, driver, ride, race, racing, contest, motorsports, track, trail SV woman sitting on motorcycle while man sits in sidecar. drive, driver, ride, race, racing, contest, motorsports Background: Motorcycle and auto racing at Stratfo
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