Japanese Ky Kiske players are on a DIFFERENT LEVEL...

Today we’re watching the Guilty Gear Strive 10v10 between Japan and Korea! It’s always great to see some of the top talent outside of the US duke it out, but the REAL goal today is to see just how they use my man Ky Kiske, and what I can learn from them to use here in the states... ► Don’t forget to subscribe to Kizzie Kay’s channel: ► Follow Panda | Kizzie Kay on Twitter: ► Watch Panda | Kizzie Kay LIVE on Twitch at: ► Check out Panda Fighting Games Channel for more FGC content: KIZZIE KAY CLIPS CHANNEL ► OFFICIAL PANDA MERCH ► Edited by EC LaForce: Panda Partners: GEICO, HyperX, Meta Threads, ZOWIE by BenQ Panda Players, Anna Cramling, Coney
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