Pregnant Mother Dog in Slaughterhouse, Worried, Struggling to Find a Safe Place to Give Birth

Pregnant Mother Dog in Slaughterhouse, Worried, Struggling to Find a Safe Place to Give Birth She was saved at a slaughterhouse... There, they live in a dirty, smelly place. Food is not enough for them to eat... All the dogs here are sick and weak. All are waiting for the end of life... Oh my God! Please save them. Among them, Love is pregnant... When we arrived, she was in severe labor. She looks for a nest to give birth but is completely unable to. Quickly, the dog was taken to the Vet. We can see the puppies moving. Love is extremely worried... Thank God, She gave birth to her first baby. 10 minutes second and third babies were born... A kind mother takes good care of her children... So a total of 6 puppies were born... They are now stable... 6 children reunited with their mother... Day by day, the puppies are growing bigger. 70 days later... 6 children were adopted... All have a new life full of happiness. Now, Love’s moth
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