Dr. Marcus cited Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) when others do not

In his latest talk, Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos contended that there will not be a war between NATO and Russia, which ultimately means America and Russia, because of the Mutual Assured Destruction doctrine. Dr. Marcus said that the existence of thousands upon thousands of nuclear warheads in America and in Russia has kept the peace between the two superpowers since 1949, and he noted that nothing will change this. “Evil maintains peace,” is how Dr. Marcus described the existence of nuclear weapons in America and in Russia. Also, Dr. Marcus detailed the high-level contacts between the American and the Russian leaderships, whom he describes as the “elite of the elite” and who are tasked with preserving peace between America and Russia - individuals whose identities will never come to light. Dr. Marcus said that America and Russia can fight a proxy war against each other while, simultaneously, ensuring that they do not fight a direct war with one another; they did this in Vietnam and in Afghanistan, and are doing doing so today in Ukraine. In addition to that, Dr. Marcus noted how Western politicians, Western journalists, and Western so-called experts never mention the Mutual Assured Destruction doctrine when they say that war between NATO and Russia is inevitable. Picking up on that omission, Dr. Marcus challenged the aforementioned groups to explain why they do not mention MAD, and he said that if they believe the doctrine no longer applies, then they should explain why this is. Copyright 2024 Dr Marcus Papadopolous. This video and its description are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License.
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