Learn To Play The Drums In 10 Minutes (Beginner Lesson w/ Domino Santantonio)

Learn the drums in 30 days with daily guided workouts: ► Learning to play drums might look difficult, but it’s easier than you think. And you can start playing drum beats more quickly than you think, too! In this video, Domino Santantonio will show you how to play one of the most popular beginner drum beats of all time, then coach you through a 5-minute drumming ‘workout’ as you build the beat into something you can play confidently. It’s like a fitness video, but with drums! Here are the five steps to learning a basic drum beat: 1. Hi-hat and bass drum together With your right hand on the hi-hat and your right foot on the bass drum (left hand/left foot if you’re a lefty), hit both the hi-hat and bass drum together. 2. Hi-hat and snare drum together With your right hand on the hi-hat and your left-hand on the snare drum (or in reverse if you’re drumming open-handed or on a left-handed kit), play the hi-hat and the
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