Bodycam footage shows moment police rescue kidnapped girl

Video from police body cameras shows the moment a six-year-old girl was saved from her kidnapper. The girl was snatched by a stranger in a car when riding her bicycle outside her home in Louisville. Prentiss Weatherford, a neighbor of the victim, told a local news station he saw a car pull up in the middle of the street and grab the little girl “by the collar” before driving off with her. Weatherford said he chased the car and managed to write down part of the number plate, which he gave to police. The Louisville Metro Police Department then tracked the vehicle down and made the arrest within 30 minutes. Joe Keeling, a Louisville Metro police sergeant, said it is “extremely rare for us to see a stranger kidnapping.” “I hate the fact this is probably something that’s going to affect her the rest of her life,” he said, adding that at least they “were able to prevent anything worse than what had already happened from happening to her.” The suspect, identified as 40-year-old Robby Wildt, has
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