Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felonies by Democrats for a filing error

Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felonies by Democrats for a filing error Yet 9 of the 12 NYPD officers who were assigned to the Anthony Weiner Laptop case ‘committed suicide’ and Sidney Powell said the crimes are so extreme it should be “handed over to the military” No charges. No felonies. No arrests. This is America’s Two Tier Justice System Sidney Powell “One of the things if I were the President I’d do is demand the Anthony Weiner laptop and get it to the most trusted person in the military to take apart everything on it and then start using it. There’s a lot that can be prosecuted. I have no doubt on that laptop. In fact, I heard that the New York police officers who saw some of it, even though they’re hardened investigators, literally had to go throw up. It’s bad.” h/t @WallStreetApes Source: Source: Justin Deschamps
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