ASMR strawberry popsicles #shorts

I’m not a big drinker so i always end up with beer or cider leftover from the previous night but even your leftover cider could be used to make something delicious and avoid wasting it after a night with friends! RECIPE STRAWBERRY POPSICLES 🍡 BATTER 🥣 •300ml x cider •250g x self-raising flour •1 teaspoon x coconut sugar •zest of a lemon •oil for frying FILLING 🍫 •200g dark chocolate •sea salt •20x whole strawberries •powder sugar •BBQ sticks INSTRUCTIONS: the strawberries, keep them whole, pat them dry with a towel, and insert the sticks. 2. In a double boiler, melt the chocolate. 3. Dip the strawberries in the chocolate and sprinkle them with some sea salt. 4. Place them on baking paper in the fridge until set. 5. For a thicker chocolate coat, double dip them in the chocolate after the first dip is set. 6. Prepare the tempura batter by mixing your leftover apple cider or beer w
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