Crisis Man - “Asleep In America“ (2022, full album)

And without time to digest any of the above, we never tire of bringing you more glorious installments that are making this shitty year something unimaginable as far as underground punk is concerned. This time we present you the long awaited debut album of Californian Crisis Man, co-released by Digital Regress in the US and ETT in Europe. A devastating smashing roller created by members of such insane bands as Smirk, Ceremony or Acrylics, that will make you lose the few brains you have left with an angular raw dark barked punk straight to your chest like a point-blank shot, that has left us totally dumbfounded. An absolutely ripping master piece!!! ETT: Digital Regress: Ross Farrar - Vocals Bee Wright - Guitar Jess Sylvester
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