1 of 3, Portrait painting tutorial, grisaille technique, real time, glazing oil painting, SUBTITLES

1 of 3 - Portrait painting tutorial showing glazing oil paint on a portrait painting using the grisaille technique. A real time portrait painting demonstration I filmed in 3 parts over roughly an hour, showing glazes of oil paint, scumbling and velaturas applied to a grisaille underpainting. Velaturas are semi - opaque glazes of oil paint, for me made by mixing colours with Titanium White. This portrait painting is on oil on board that I prepared using a good quality acrylic primer. I paint portraits and work to commission using this method, and wanted to share the magical transformation an oil painting undergoes when glazing oil paints over a monotone, or grisaille underpainting. Grisaille can be painted in various colours - browns, greens (called verdaccio) or just plain Ivory Black and Titanium White as used here. I will show some films using verdaccio or Burnt Umber and whites in the future. See the link to my blog for my experience in learning the grisaille oil painting technique, a
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