Over the garden wall intro

Over the Garden Wall is an American animated television miniseries created by Patrick McHale for Cartoon Network. The series centers around two brothers who travel across a strange forest in order to find their way home. The show is based on McHale’s animated short film, Tome of the Unknown, which was produced as part of Cartoon Network Studios’ shorts development program. The show marks the first miniseries on the network, who commenced its production in March 2014. McHale first envisioned the show in 2004, and pitched it to the network in 2006. After working on The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack and Adventure Time, the network expressed interest in McHale pitching a pilot. That pilot became the catalyst for Over the Garden Wall. The show features Elijah Wood and Collin Dean as the protagonists, and Melanie Lynskey as a bluebird named Beatrice.
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