ROYAL: Earl Mountbatten leaves for Malta (1952)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Earl Mountbatten leaves with Countess from London Airport to take over Naval command in Malta Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Lord Mountbatten Leaves for Malta ENGLAND: London: Hillingdon: London Heathrow Airport: EXT LONDON AIRPORT. Lord Louis Mountbatten with Countess is handed White Ensign from Cenotaph to take with him to Malta where he is to take over Naval as they board plane MALTA. Shots of Malta harbour showing vessels in dock. MOUNTBATTEN EARL & COUNTESS. Leaving London Airport to take over Naval Command in Med. Lord Louis is handed White Ensign to take as he & Countess go onboard plane. Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Lord Louis Mountbatten, British admiral, statesman, Royal Navy, RN Background: Earl Mountbatten leaves with Countess from London Airport to take over Naval command in Malta FILM ID:
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