Israel STRIKES BACK On Gaza While UN Calls For Ceasefire

’Israel STRIKES BACK On Gaza While UN Calls For Ceasefire’ Israeli military forces have struck targets across the Gaza Strip in retaliation to the Hamas militant group’s heavy airstrike on Israel. Hamas sent thousands of rockets into Israel early on Saturday morning and infiltrated its heavily fortified border via air, sea, and land. Israel responded with an airstrike on Gaza. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared a state of war following the attacks with Israeli military forces launching ‘Operation Iron Swords’. At least 100 Israeli’s and almost 200 Palestinians have reportedly been killed so far in the terrirorial attacks. The UN has called for an immediate halt to violence between Israel and Hamas, as residents flee their homes in the Gaza Strip. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Egypt are also calling for an end to the hostilities with Turkish President Erdogan calling for “all sides to act with restraint”. #israel #hamas #gaza #netanyahu #turkey #news Subscribe here: TikTok: @ondemandnews Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:
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