Worldhaspostrocktan video

Ben Haskins (Canada) Dinner Party (2022) post-rock Ben Haskins 🎶 Tracklist: 1. Aperitif 0:00 2. The Dinner Party 2:46 3. Heart On The Menu 7:14 (💕 Favorite track 💕) 4. The Main Course 12:01 5. Servant Bell 18:33 6. Midnight Buffet 22:37 7. Mystery Guests 27:50 8. Every Ounce You Sink Your Teeth Into 31:25 9. The Entertainment 36:36 10. Double Vision Proclamations 41:28 11. We Leave This Party Together 45:20 - 🔴 Help me to keep channel alive: 🔵 Follow Worldhaspostrock on Instagram: 🎵 Follow our Spotify playlist: 🎧 Join our post-rock community on Discord: - 🔶 To submit your music: submitwhpr@ ⚫ For removal of copyrighted music: submitwhpr@
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