Women, Feminists, and Other Poets: A Series of Readings and Conversations: Part 3

Women, Feminists, and Other Poets: A Series of Readings and Conversations: Part 3 For the third installment of “Women, Feminists, and Other Poets: A Series of Readings and Conversations” the Jordan Center will host poets Dina Gatina, Polina Barskova, and Vlazhyna Mort alongside professor and translator Ainsley Morse. This April, the Jordan Center will host 6 contemporary Russian poets for a series of readings and conversations. With a view to the recent anthology F-Letter: New Russian Feminist Poetry (isolarii, 2020), this series probes the recent history of women writing poetry in Russian. Whether explicitly feminist or otherwise, women have been prominent, if not dominant voices in Russian-language poetry for the past several decades. This series explores the power of language and its role in society, bringing together writing women of various generations and backgrounds to talk about their work, each other, and what it means to be a woman writing in Russian today. The series is organized by P
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