Biggest Icebreaker in the World - Project 10510 «Leader»

Support / Поддержка: Donationalerts - Paypal - Teespring Store - Webmoney USD - Z789416365352 Webmoney EUR - E518067593070 Webmoney RU - R788497986526 Project 10510, also known through the Russian type size series designations LK-110Ya and LK-120Ya or the project name Leader, is a planned series of Russian nuclear-powered icebreakers. When built, it would supersede Project 22220 icebreakers as the largest and most powerful icebreakers in the world. As of 2021, the lead vessel of the series is under construction and expected to be commissioned by 2027. In total, it is planned to built three vessels by 2033. They are planned to be operated by the Russian company FSUE Atomflot which operates Russia’s fleet of nuclear-powered icebreakers. On 23 April 2020, Atomflot and Zvezda signed the shipbuilding contract for the construction of the first Project 10510 icebreaker. Th
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