This is a bigger Housing Project in Elder Scrolls Online. The idea for this project was born when i heard the “Pride and Penance“ Soundtrack from the latest World of Warcraft Expansion.
I allways wanted to do something like this, but now it is done. The reason why i used two propertys is that 700 Item slots are not enough to make my dream come true.
The Idea behind is that a daedric lord build a realm to enslave a poor soul wich was silly enough to deal with this lord. A personal hell, you could say. First everything look okey, but the higher you will climb this tower, the more madness will come to you.
If you want to go on this journey visit @NimsajS Moonsugar Meadow and Coldharbor Surreal Estate in that sequence.
Elder Scrolls Online and all associated logos and designs are trademarks or registered trademarks of Zenimax Online Corporation. I do not own any rights.
World of Warcraft - Shadowlands - Pride and Penance - Jake Lefkowitz. I also do not own any rights.
World of Warcraft -