Venezuelan Navy has begun to deploy Iranian-made Zolfaghar missile boats and the coast guard vessel Alcaravn from the coast gua

Venezuelan Navy has begun to deploy Iranian-made Zolfaghar missile boats and the coast guard vessel Alcaraván from the coast guard station “Punta Barima” just 40 miles from the Guyanese border. Venezuela has been modernizing the base for intensified deployment use. #VenezuelaI don’t know about you, but the first thing I thought of when I read about Putin’s ministerial cabinet shakeup and his replacement of Defense Minister Shoigu is that Prigozhin got his wish after beyond the grave. This move is also yet another indication of how Putin operates: rather than responding emotionally and trigger-happily, he is legalistic, rational, and slow to act. But when he does, the decision is well-considered and usually final. Here, Putin waited until after the presidential election when he received the full mandate of the people. This is why it always blows my mind that so many Western politicians and pundits try so hard to present Putin as unpredictable and irrational when he is a... Source: Islamic World News
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