Extraterrestrial Сats in England.

Extraterrestrial Cats: An English province.. a land rich in traditions and legends. One of them tells about strange, sinister creatures called alien cats. In the south of the country, the Surrey cougar has been observed for several decades in a row. To the east, in the midst of fertile lowlands, the Swamp Tiger lurks. From the beginning of the 19th century, reports began to arrive from all over the country of attacks by huge representatives of the feline squad. Giant Squid: Deep in the ocean lives a giant monster. First encountered in the 16th century, it is capable of dragging a man, a whale, and even an entire ship to the bottom. The monster dwells in the depths where the rays of the sun do not reach. In a world of eternal cold and darkness. In an eternal abyss inhabited by creatures that man has yet to meet. It is considered a creature of darkness, the largest animal on Earth, a ferocious predator, one of the mysteries of the ocean. Psychic Animals 2: Earthquakes. For centuries, scientists have been trying to predict them in order to minimize the damage they cause. The program introduces animals that are able to feel the impending disaster. A team of researchers meet in northwest London with a man who has been studying the extraordinary abilities of pets. He collected a lot of evidence about four-legged earthquake predictors. He himself considers this phenomenon to be completely ordinary. #cats #paranormal #giantsquid
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