Category 7: The End of the World | Part 1 of 2 | FULL MOVIE | Gershon, Doherty, Skerritt, Quaid

Category 7: The End of the World PART ONE: It’s tornadoes, hurricanes, electrical storms, and mass destruction as the effects of global warming brew into a superstorm that threatens to rend the earth with an unprecedented power. Princeton Professor Ross Duffy and Judith Carr, the head of FEMA, can stop the inevitable from happening—if they have the courage to venture into the roiling blackness of the storm itself. Watch PART TWO Here: Starring: Gina Gershon Randy Quaid Shannen Doherty Tom Skerritt Cameron Daddo James Brolin Adam Rodriguez Swoosie Kurtz Robert Wagner 2005 Action Adventure Directed by Dick Lowry MORE Popcornflix MOVIES, FREE on YouTube!  Action:  Romance:  Horror:  Crime:  Drama:  Comedy:
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