“Barbie & Ken“ hit by 75-man SWAT team * For protecting their rights - September 24, 2020

Please 🙏 download and SHARE - which helps protect ❤️ us! For more information see... _______________________________ Here’s the 4.5 year / 15 court case battles to find JUSTICE story .... 😎 JUNE 11, 2019 - Washington DC - Press Conference at National Press Club - This video was not released until now because Barbie & Ken were hit by 13 US Marshal led SWAT team soon after return to Utah. Paul-Kenneth and Barbara-Ann: Cromar - or “Barbie and Ken“ are in a 4.5 year battle for justice to save their lives and home from an lRS fraud that began January 2018. This Press Conference occurred 1.5 years into the battle. * “The $12M Whistle-Blower Reward“ * from June 11, 2019 still stands - Since the $120M lawsuit was filed, an additional $200M in claims for trespass Invoices against nearly 200 oath-breakers have been defaulted. The final pool of money will be shared by all “whistleblowers“, and the amount may be more or less depending on the final amount awarded & collected by “Barbie & Ken“ that will be divided up - as allowed under the Law of the Land. ________________ Related video: “Barbie & Ken“ offer $12 Million Whistle-Blower Reward* still stands - for info leading to arrest of corrupt Gov. officials - ________________ “Barbie & Ken’s“ 15 court cases have been denied “due process“ of law, as they’ve sought without success Discovery, Brady material, etc., while presenting themselves in personam “sui juris“. (No BAR attorneys - with courts that keep incorrectly listing them as “pro se“) The courts have blocked “due process“ by denial of Hearing and Trial before Chief Judge Robert J. Shelby in US District Court (SLC) in the original case 2:17-cv-01223-RJS, in a clear violation of Constitutional “Law 101“ and denial of JUSTICE. This video was taken June 11, 2022 at the National Press Club just days before a surprise 13-man US Marshal led SWAT #1 on June 25, 2019, with guns & assault rifles pointed at them (they were un-armed) and removed them from their home, but without a WARRANT and in violation of an APPEAL to the Circuit Court. ________________ Related videos: “Barbie & Ken“ - Truth In Taxation - Exposing Constitutional Crimes - June 11, 2019 - Wash DC - _______________ Barbie & Ken re-took their home with lawful title and LAND PATENT #392 in place around April 13, 2020. Five months later Barbie & Ken were hit by “para-military 75-man SWAT“ #2 on September 24, 2020, that resulted in the 13th of 15 court case that is scheduled to go to “Trial by Jury“ week of June 27, 2022. The Judge put a “Gag Order“ on this case (though violated within days by anonymous law enforcement officials), however, this does NOT block our First Amendment free speech rights and lawful discussion on all events & un-Constitutional action surrounding the other 14 cases. For example, in case #14 & #15 - Barbie & Ken each sued the Commissioner of lnternal Revenue in US Tax Court - Washington DC - and BOTH WON, when the Commissioner’s attorneys admitted that there had been no lawfully signed “Notices of Deficiency“ and “Notices of Determination“ against the Cromars at any time during 1990 through 2020. The lRS Commissioner’s counsel Motioned for dismissal for Cromars’ lack of jurisdiction over him, because the Commissioner admitted admitted he lacked jurisdiction over the Cromars! The Cromars were HAPPY to accept the Victory for Barbie & Ken / We the People. However the courts continue to ignore their Judicial Notices regarding the “100% Exoneration“. On May 24, 2022, an ad hoc group of concerned people - “The Community Support Foundation“ - filed a “Amicus Curiae“ (Friend of the Court Brief) in behalf the Defendant Cromars... For more information see... Or.... and click the “Barbie & Ken vs. Goliath lRS“ tab Also, please see these two videos high-lighting abuse of power by the courts…. Also, please see these two videos high-lighting abuse of power by the courts…. “lRS Unlawfully Auctioned Barbie & Ken’s home“ “Police get educated about Barbie & Ken’s Property Rights“ 🇺🇸 .
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