Luctus - Fascinatio Mortis (Live Show) 19/12/2020

Live in Kaunas, Lithuania. Black Metal Promotion and Lithuanian Black Metal archers Luctus present a unique experience, a claustrophobic visual and sound-journey through the corridors of nightmares. For donations: Paypal: kaunasevents@ Bank: LT644010051003617926 VšĮ Alternatyvos Proveržiai - Luctus - Facebook: Bandcamp: Playlist: 1. Sušiurpintas Ano Pasaulio Nuostabos (Stunned by the awe-inspiring Other World) 2. Kas Tu Esi? (Who are you?) 3. Užribis (The Beyond) 4. Už Sapno Ribų (Beyond the limits of the dream) 5. Tikėjimo Paslaptis (The secret of faith) 6. Stotis (The station) 7. Tikrovės Iliuzija (The illusion of reality) 8 . Liejasi (Merging) 9. Vandens Paviršiumi (Skimming over the water)
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