Why Xi Jinping’s China Is Keenly Watching Putin Vs Biden & The Talks On The Ukraine Crisis

As US and its western allies mount pressure on Putin over Ukraine tensions, China is watching the deadlock closely. Russia has set a list of demands that the US is not ready to accept. Russia continues to maintain a massive troop presence along the Ukraine border amid talks to resolve the crisis. Experts say that China will be closely watching the outcome of the Russia-West showdown over Ukraine. Any military action by Russia and a meek US response may embolden China to pursue similar aggression against Taiwan. #UkraineTensions #China #JoeBiden Crux is your daily dose of the big, viral and relevant news in a few minutes. It’s your ultimate guide to staying informed on the latest in politics, international relations, sports, entertainment and social media Follow CRUX on Instagram (@): Follow CRUX on Facebook: #GetCloserToTheNews with latest headlines on politics, sports and entertainment on
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