《每一程,滿載期待》:夢想篇 (足本版) Hope-filled Journey Ahead: Dreams and Passion (Full Version)​

#港鐵微電影 #袁澧林 #羅永昌 ​ 每份年輕,都係懷住夢想同熱誠!我哋今次嘅微電影《每一程,滿載期待》夢想篇 ,邀請到袁澧林(Angela Yuen)同羅永昌合演一段父女情。喺追夢過程中,年輕主角Angela遇上唔少挫折,更同屋企人發生磨擦。但她仍然不斷努力,搭港鐵穿梭各區抓緊每個機會,最後在家人支持下通往實現夢想大門!​ #MTRMicrofilm #AngelaYuen #每一程滿載期待 #港鐵 #連繫相伴 #港人生活故事​ MTR connects you to your dreams and aspirations in every journey, in every way. The first microfilm of the new branding campaign “Hope-filled Journey Ahead” features Angela Yuen and Law Wing Cheong. Angela portrays an aspiring young actress who struggles to gain support and recognition from her family. MTR becomes her steadfast companion, conveniently transporting her through the city as she chases her dream, ultimately leading her towards the realisation of her dreams!
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