Build A REST API With , Express, & MongoDB - Quick (Дата оригинальной публикации: )

In this video you will be building a fully functional REST API in under 30 minutes. You will learn how to setup a server with Express, how to connect that server to MongoDB through Mongoose, and how to setup a REST API with MongoDB and . This video is for any skill level and will cover all topics from the most basic server setup to more advanced API features. By the end of this video you will have all the skills needed to expand upon this API and make it your own. If you want to dive further into and MongoDB checkout my FREE full stack web development course linked below. 📚 Materials/References: FREE Full Stack Course: REST Explained: Async/Await: GitHub Code: 🧠 Concepts Covered: - Setting up an Express server - Configuring MongoDB with Mongoose - Creating a model in Mongoose - How to create RESTful API routes - Returning JSON from a API - How to handle API errors and validation - How to properly use and return HTTP status codes 🌎 Find Me Here: Twitter: GitHub: CodePen: #REST #API #Nodejs
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