Remarkable Tale of a Nomadic Couple’s Triumph over Infertility and Caring a Displaced Grandmother

Nemat, after discovering his infertility, sought medical help and diligently followed prescribed treatments. New test results have now arrived, indicating increased chances of conception for Nemat and Fatima. In the midst of winter challenges, they joyously celebrate with Little Hossein and their grandmother, starting a small family celebration. With newfound hope, they can now focus on building a house for their grandmother. They enlist a skilled master builder to tackle the challenge of constructing a sturdy roof for the happiness of the family continues because they have been able to overcome the challenge of infertility after months and will probably see a new member in the coming months. On the other hand, they start building their nomadic house because the cold weather is also a fact of their lives, and they have to protect their grandmother’s house against cold and displacement with each other’s help. #NomadicLife #Familyties #nomadicreunion #IntenseDrama #peren #taraz #doora
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