500 Magnum vs Watermelons

The mighty .500 SW Magnum demonstrates its massive authority in a little bit of fun.! I always wondered what a “watermelon shower“ was like. Now I know quite well. :-) Ammo used in this video was HSM .500 SW 350 Grain JHP. I have some 400 grain Magtech soft point. They both kick really hard; I could not tell any difference. PLEASE try to avoid revealing your ignorance about how the economy works and why there are people starving. If you think destroying these watermelons was “heartless“ or contributing to somebody’s starvation, I feel sorry for you. I suggest that even if you think this that you refrain from commenting to that effect; believe me, it just makes you look very ignorant. Sorry, but the truth hurts. :-) Also, any racist comments will result in being blocked. Also, perhaps you do NOT understand economic
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