1988-07-23 love of bhoots

...But in a very subtle way, I see a lady who is catching or who has badha will immediately crawl into another one -- somehow. She may belong to any country, doesn’t matter. You see, a bhootish woman, say, coming from India, will crawl up to another one in Australia. Straight forward, march! Just start watching, “Where is she going? Oh God, that’s it!“ So the bhoots are very collective, a big fraternity, great fraternity. If they see somebody who is possessed, this bhootish person will immediately go. It is very surprising that the bhoots are so collective. Apart from that, they know M...e very well. They understand Me very well. Even a little child if he is caught up will start crying before Me, shaking before Me, not coming before Me. But when they are realized, they don’t understand and moreover they don’t understand a simple principle that we are now possessed by our own Spirit and we are one. So they should stick on more to the person who is a spiritually evolved personality. But instead of that, for them some “third-rater“ something is much more important than a person who is such a highly developed person. This is where we fail in our collective. A very subtle method of these negative people. Just finding out how to form a big formidable group to attack. With that you lose your vibrations. Once you lose your vibrations then you say, “Oh, this is too much. We must have compassion. We must have love. After all we are all Sahaja Yogis.“ So it’s the compassion and love of bhoots among themselves. They are talking of compassion to each other. Even with Me they said, “Mother, you have to be kind.“ I said, “Are you more compassionate than Me that you are teaching Me?“ If I’m saying anything to this lady taking all My breath and all My energy on her, then I’m doing it for her benevolence and it’s My compassion that it works, but what you are doing is not for the benevolence but for the destruction of that person. So no use supporting someone who is negative. Many negative persons who have been asked to get out of Sahaja Yoga sometimes create this problem of coming, “Oh Mother, you know, I’m so good, but they tortured me, they troubled me so much.“ Now I’m seeing a bhoot in the person. I can clearly see. I can see the negativity, but if you do not see, you will immediately start taking sides, “Oh God, look at this, poor thing is tortured.“ You lose your vibrations, you won’t be able to find out!
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