Portrait Painting Tutorial | How To Use COLOR in OIL PAINTING

Want to take online classes with me starting at only $10 a month? Online Classes (Select Online Class (Basic) Tier): Playlist of my livestreams: LIVE Oil Painting Sessions Facebook Group: Patreon: Instagram: All Colors are either Winsor & Newton or Gamblin with the exception of Lead White List of Colors: Titanium White Lead White - Micheal Harding Cadmium Yellow Indian Yellow Cadmium Orange Cadmium Red Alizarin Crimson Viridian Ultramarine Blue Phthalo Turquoise Dioxazine Blue Palette: New Wave Highland Panel: Centurion 8x10 inch (primed with Lead) Solvent: Gamsol Mediu...m: Neo-Megilp Brushes Silver Brush Grand Prix size 6, 4 and 2 extra
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